Welcome To Seymour Golf Club
We are a small country club with a casual friendly environment for golf. We welcome any visitors for Green Fee players, as well as invite you to participate in our weekly club competitions.
We are located on the outskirts of Seymour on the Goulburn Valley Highway. About an hour and fifteen minutes up the Hume Freeway from the Ring Road should see you on the first Tee.
We have an eighteen hole, 6010 metres, Par 72, course for your enjoyment. Our Greens are Bent grass and Fairways are Santa Anna Couch grass. The course is fully irrigated using Recycled Water. Please ensure that you do not consume water from any of the water storages or from wet surfaces such as Greens,
Fairways, Balls, etc. Fresh water drinking points are located through the course.
As per good golf etiquette, and to respect the work of our totally volunteer workforce, please carry a sand bucket and fill any divots, and please repair any pitch marks on Greens. (even if the damage is not yours it would be very much appreciated).
For further details about our course and the facilities we are able to offer please view the tabs provided.
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